Meet The Alleycats & Aristocats Team

Our dedicated volunteers work hard to ensure rescued cats are taken care of and adopted into their forever homes.

Jennifer Doyle
Jennifer Doyle
I guess I’m the founder of this rescue? Prior to the inception of Alleycats & Aristocats in January 2022 I briefly served on the board for another Cleveland rescue. My vision for A&A was to bring like-minded passionate cat lovers together in Medina County to help homeless community cats. I wasn’t always a crazy cat lady. I’ve always loved and kept many animals as pets throughout my life. But I did not become heavily involved in cat rescue until the beginning of the pandemic. It became my passion project during a time when I really needed something to give me purpose. I fell in love with cat rescue and I fell fast. I started fostering and doing TNR work and it just grew from there. I am addicted to creating happy endings for cats; especially the ones that have been through some crap, the ones that don’t trust you yet but you can see something in their eyes. They are longing for love. I do a little bit of everything within the rescue as Chief Cat Wrangler. But really, I am nothing without the amazing people that serve on this board with me. Each of us plays a very significant role in making this rescue successful. I am thankful every day for all the people that make this rescue a success, for both the people and the cats.
I have been with A&A since the beginning. I met our founder in 2020 when she was fostering for another local rescue group. I adopted one of her fosters and eventually started volunteering for the group as well. When Jen started A&A, I followed her over and she quickly convinced me to join the board and start fostering.

Getting updates from the adoptive families is one of my favorite parts of rescue. It’s so rewarding to see your former fosters in their forever homes, bringing joy to their families – especially the cats that started out “spicy.” These are the kitties that took extra time and work to help them blossom into sweet furry family members.

I have 3 cats of my own: a sassy foster fail, one with a neurological disorder & chronic health issues and a chatty cuddle bug. They are all special in their own way and I’m honored they chose me to be their momma.

I met Jennifer when she started Alleycats & Aristocats. I was volunteering for Medina Meow Fix at the time, and her rescue group was a gift from heaven, as MMF was in dire need of a rescue group to place the adoptable cats and kittens that were being trapped. It was an extra bonus, because she lived in Brunswick as I did, which made transporting and transferring cats extra easy.

I admire the way Jennifer runs her organization and the philosophy that all cats deserve love, no matter where they come from!

I help the rescue with their bookkeeping, assist with cleaning at Petco and COTS, finding barn cat placement, assisting with adoptions, grant writing, transportation and other paperwork.

I have loved cats all of my life, starting with my first cat, Tootsie Roll. I currently have 3 kitties and 4 little dogs. And a husband that puts up with all of my cat shenanigans!

My love for kitties began in my early teens, when I rescued an abandoned kitten from outside & cared for it on my own. From the moment I looked into his helpless, frightened little eyes – I knew what my calling in life would be! I am truly honored to be a part of this amazing group!

I currently have five cats of my own, a GSD and 2 children with another on the way! My husband, Chris, and I have been married eight wonderful years.

I joined AlleyCats & Aristocats in November 2022. The compassion, dedication, professionalism and determination I have seen from this team is unbelievable.

I am in charge of managing the applications that come in for adopting our cats, as well as helping with volunteer and foster applications. I love playing a role in finding forever homes for our kitties & want our adopters to know we are here for them throughout the entire process, as well as the future. I am also in the store often, helping with cleaning duties and care for the kitties as well as organizing, planning, and fostering.

I think it’s so amazing to see the dedication from all of our volunteers and directors. We have not ever given up on any cat, no matter how bad the case may be. We will fight until the very end, and do everything we can for these cats. It’s truly admirable.

I first started with A&A when they started taking cats from my TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) partner and me. It was a connection worth nurturing, and I found myself getting more involved as time went on. I started doing TNR as a young teenager and volunteered with several rescues, then struck out on my own as an independent rescuer. Though I did a lot of other aspects of rescue in the past, my true passion lies with feral and stray cats. In mid-2023 I finally gave up my independent status and joined as their TNR coordinator.

I have two cats, one old (Poofball) and one young (Kingsley), and live with a third cat, a dog, and a guinea pig. I have a degree in Animal Science, work in Veterinary Medicine, and am working on becoming Fear Free certified which can be helpful when working with feral cats.

My favorite part is getting the shy/traumatized cats to come out of their shell and trust again. I prefer working with adult cats, especially when there’s nowhere else for them to go. Seeing the cats that previously struggled and now thrive is amazing. I’m excited for the future and all of the cats that will benefit under this collaboration. I’m honored to be invited to be a part of A&A.

I met Jen and Alleycats & Aristocats when a neighbor needed help trapping a stray mama cat and her five kittens back in the summer of 2022. Over the years I’ve helped rescue some cats and I offered to help care for a couple of the kittens and assist with trapping. Little did I know that by reaching out to assist a neighbor I would meet such an amazing and dedicated rescue organization as Alleycats &. Aristocats!

I was also going through thyroid cancer and I learned that fostering was very therapeutic and positive for me and my recovery. I ended up foster failing my first cat, the guy that brought me so much comfort during my time with cancer and surgery and have been fostering cats ever since.

I live in Medina with my husband, two sons, two dogs, and 4 cats. We didn’t have a cat before moving to Medina in 2019, but that soon changed when our house came with a cat that was left behind by the old owners. Then I rescued a very sick kitten while working the 2020 census who was suffering and I decided to give him a chance at a better life. He is a special needs cat with a heart murmur. Then there came my two foster fails. My second foster fail, Jalapeño is the one in the picture of me just days after bringing him home to foster. It was an instant connection and he went from spicy to sweet in record time…he picked me and now we are inseparable.

I have now become the foster coordinator and I love working with them and seeing all of the wonderful adoptable cats that come from our team of dedicated fosters. It brings me great joy to be able to help these cats and watch them get adopted into loving homes.

I met Jen the summer of 2023 when I asked A & A to help with medical. Many members of my family are nurses and I originally started off as a Nursing Assistant. Quickly, my love for animals took over. I worked at the Medina SPCA for almost 9 years as Foster Coordinator, Lead Medical, and Kennel. When I stopped in to meet the team at Alleycats & Aristocats / Cats off the Square, I felt very welcomed and I couldn’t help but stay. I enjoy fostering neonatal kittens as well as critical care medical cases. I now serve as the Medical Coordinator for the rescue.
I met Jennifer in 2022 when I adopted my first Suphalak, now known as Binx. I have been fostering for a number of rescues since 2014, and always have a pack of dogs and cats in the house due to consistent foster fails. I joined Alleycats & Aristocats in 2023 to help support their incredible rescue efforts and handle any legal issues as they arise. Running a 501(c)(3) isn’t easy, and I’m so impressed by Jennifer’s and the whole team’s amazing work to build such a successful organization. I’m honored to become part of this incredible group.
Brian Doyle (Cat Dad)
Brian Doyle (Cat Dad)
Brian is Jennifer’s husband, and has been a cat lover his whole life. Being lovers of cats, Brian and Jennifer both knew there was a need for adoption paired with TNR efforts in the Medina county area. Brian’s main contributions are Fostering/caregiving at home, transporting cats & supplies and working on events. He likes being supportive of others and is always ready to lend a hand wherever needed. Brian encourages others to become a Foster home for cats, to volunteer at special events and pick up a shift to help care for our adoptable cats at Cats Off the Square, our brick and mortar cat cafe. Brian believes the experience of volunteering is gratifying and extremely rewarding. Donations are a big help too but people are really the key to running a great rescue organization.
I met Jen and Lindsay at Alleycats & Aristocats in May of 2023 when I entered the rescue for free cat cuddles. I felt immediately welcomed and decided to start volunteering. I was going through some mental health struggles at the time and felt empowered and saw my confidence grow by helping and loving on the kitties.

I now serve on the board for COTS organizing medical records and assisting in adoption applications. Two of my favorite things about rescue are getting updates from adopters and seeing adult cats get loving homes.

Outside of rescue, I am finishing my last year of my bachelor’s degree in chemistry with minors in biology and mathematics. I am also a freelance musician performing in Northeast Ohio. I have two cats of my own: a Maine Coon mix named Jaspurr and a classic tabby named Ham.

Support Our Mission

Help us continue our mission because all cats deserve love no matter where they come from.